What is Chiropractic?

"Life is the expression of tone."

The body does not function as a cluster of separate mechanisms, but rather as a cascade of events that all begin with proper control by the nervous system.
The nerves that travel through and control every function of your body on the spinal cord, and their transfer can be disrupted, as in the joints and surrounding the spine are not moving. This disruption in biomechanical integrity combined with altered physiological function is what chiropractors call a subluxation. It is not uncommon for a chiropractor to treat a patient with middle back pain who also suffers from irritable bowel system, a patient with a subluxed sacrum who has unsuccessfully tried to conceive, or a patient with upper back fixation and acid reflux.

The body heals itself.
Sorry to disappoint you, but a chiropractor will never fix your back. What we can do is restore the correct movement in the joints, which relieves tension on the nerves and muscles and allows your body to do the healing for which it is naturally made. As chiropractors, we believe that the body is a perfect organism in its natural state, and all diseases arise from a disturbance of the proper transmission of signals by the nerves in the body, thereby affecting the ability to heal and defend against pathogens. We never treat diseases. We assess which spinal cord levels cause the dysfunction, and we adjust it to restore the correct nerve flow, so that the nervous system can work as efficiently and effectively as possible.


Chiropractic is the science of correcting interference with the central nervous system via the bones that protect it: the skull, the spine, and the pelvis. The chiropractor is trained to focus on the functional interference defined as the vertebral subluxation. The subluxation is when a bone is out of proper juxtaposition with the bone above it, below or next to it. The aim of chiropractic care is to restore and improve the function of the related joints. It is through this process that proper tone may be returned to the central nervous system. Chiropractic is the one profession that puts its focus on this main thing. subluxation.

The spine, skull and pelvis protect the most important organ in our body: the central nervous system (CNS). When there is an imbalance in these protective structures that affects the CNS,  it can undermine not only the mechanics of the structures, but the function of the CNS, as well. Subluxation can put pressure and reduce the life energy that flows down the nerves, much like putting your foot on a hose and reducing the flow of water.

For over 100 years, the chiropractic profession has been working tirelessly to improve the quality of life for their patients. Over 85% percent of the people seen by chiropractors have spoken highly of the care they received. Most of those patients have consistently referred family and friends, because chiropractic worked for them. It is amazing how grateful people can be when you help them get the “foot off the hose” and their life comes back to the level they appreciate.

Scientific evidence demonstrates that the chiropractic adjustment to the spine improves the function of the nervous system, reduces the pain and serves as a preventive treatment for general health and well-being. The purpose of Chiropractic is to optimize health.



Reasons to check the condition of your spine:

Strengthen the natural ability to hear
You can feel much more energetic and full of life.
You are sick or in pain
You are pregnant
You would like to be pregnant
You fell (no matter how long ago)
You were in a car accident
You are under chemical, physical and emotional stress
You feel your head, hips and shoulders are not aligned
You work for a long time in the same position
You walk consistently with the feet to the outside or inside


Other reasons and benefits of the treatments chiropractors regular:

Can reduces pain and the need for medication.
Can improves mobility and helps blood circulation.
Can improve lung function
Can improves the body’s metabolism
Can effect epigenetics
Can improves efficiency at work: fewer headaches, back pain, neck pain, etc.
Can improves the Quality of Life in general.


Expressed Benefits of Chiropractic care:

I feel younger
I have more energy
I am straighter
I feel taller
I sleep better
I have better digestion
I don´t have reflux anymore
I am headache free

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Av. da República, Edificio República
3º Piso, Escritório AN, 2645-143, Alcoitão

GPS: 38.736904, -9.396186

(+351) 91 953 6695

(A Portuguese Mobile line Call)

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