We encourage you to read some of our patient´s testimonials:

I consulted three orthopedic doctors concerning my back problem.  Two told me that I would require surgery on the three disc hernias I had in my lumbar spine. The third doctor told me he would try something less invasive. That’s when I decided to try Adjust for Life/Dr. Ted. My effort to try chiropractic has paid off better than I thought. I am glad I did it, because the pains disappeared, and I can now do my activities of daily living with normality. After a year of treatments I feel better and better.

Thank You, Dr. Ted!

Luis Bandeira

I have a spine problem which causes me a lot of suffering. My neurosurgeon recommended that I try chiropractic care. Thus, due to the adjustments I received from Dr. TED, who has done everything to help me, I am able to endure almost without taking chemicals. MY THANKS

Lucinda Mota

The adjustments I received from Dr. Ted have made all the difference in my activities of daily living: less pain, better posture, more quality of life. In addition to excellent Chiropractic, Dr. Ted is also a fantastic human being! Thank you for everything Dr. Ted.

Elisabete Vasques

Hello everyone! I hope you have a chance to experience Chiropractic with Dr Ted. His efforts to help me have done what I call miracles. I tried pretty much every healthcare discipline that exists to remove unbearable intractable pain that I had, since my back surgery. Now, I am much happier, full of hope and practically without pain, a super positive evolution, Dr Ted is an extraordinary person, with such a good energy. Please take the opportunity that the universe is giving you to experience a higher quality of life.

Branca Carvalho

Business Owner

My testimony is that chiropractic has worked from me, since I was a child. There have been many times in my life when chiropractic returned my quality of life, and it removed the suffering that interfered with my activities of daily living.
Dr. Ted Koenen

Adjust for Life

I feel bad, as I live so far away, but I would like to acknowledge you, Dr Ted, for all the good you did for me (your adjustments have made a dramatic change in my life). I miss you…..hugs from your friend Sérgio in Tomar!

Sérgio Félix

Chiropractic has been a regular part of my life for a number of years. I have always received my chiropractic care by the doctors at Adjust for Life. I have certainly experienced a substantial difference from my adjustments at this facility. That said, I feel comfortable adding my 100% endorsement for anyone to go to Adjust for Life. Dr. Ted is a capable, competent and experienced chiropractor. The staff is thorough, kind and considerate. Their efforts are always to make your experience excellent.”I have been going to the chiropractor for many years, when I don’t make my regular visit, I immediately feel the difference. They have my ultimate confidence. Dr. Ted is very competent, and he is always in a good mood and everyone there is very pleasant!”

Cristina Bonaparte Figueira

My testimony is that chiropractic has worked from me. I suffered from back pain that was excruciating. I developed a scoliosis as a child that was not attended. My chiropractor took x-rays, and he provided me with a plan to correct as much as possible, when I was over thirty. Today, the curve in my spine has been significantly reduced. The chronic pain is gone. The occasional acute attack of pain that comes when I do something wrong is quickly ameliorated by a visit to my chiropractor which I do on a regular basis. You see, I know it is a process, and life is always providing another challenge to my body.
Naomi Koenen

Adjust for Life

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Av. da República, Edificio República
3º Piso, Escritório AN, 2645-143, Alcoitão

GPS: 38.736904, -9.396186

(+351) 91 953 6695

(A Portuguese Mobile line Call)

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