A Functional Neurological Approach
Neurology has been at the heart of the Chiropractic profession since its very beginning. But it is only in recent years that advances in clinical neuroscience have allowed us to understand how our treatments affect the nervous system; and how this effect can help us to restore and preserve good structure and function within the musculoskeletal system.
How Chiropractic
Initiates Change
Chiropractors excel in their ability to detect subtle differences in musculoskeletal structure and function, for example through muscle testing, feeling for joint restrictions and checking for leg length discrepancies. These same skills can be applied to neurological testing in order to detect functional imbalances within the nervous system. Such functional neurological imbalances may be treated using traditional chiropractic techniques, various other sensory stimuli, as well as specific physical or cognitive exercises. Functional neurology is not a technique system. Rather, it advocates an open systems approach to treatment with the objective of restoring, improving and preserving the functionality of the patient’s nervous system.
What to Expect from Your First Visit
The First Step In The Process
Loss of wellness and vitality is a process. The journey to recovery is also a process. Adjust for Life has a staff committed to helping you find your way back from a mediore existence to a life that is vital and expressing wellness.
- A courteous conversation on the phone or at the desk
- Assistance with any necessary paperwork
- Digital posture evaluation
- An evaluation by a trained professional
- Review of patient history to include discussion any previous injury
- Review of symptoms and related issues
- Performance of certain orthopedic, neurological and range of motion tests
- Palpatory evalution of the spine: pelvis, lumbar, thoracic, cervical and occiput
- Adjustment of the spine, as deemed appropriate by the chiropractor
- Subjective review of patient perceived changes, if any
- Ice instructions for home application
- Schedule followup visit to receive report of findings and review changes if any
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Chiropractic going to help me?
Chiropractic always works. Chiropractic adjustments address interference with the central nervous system called subluxation. Addressing the subluxation is the beginning of a series of events that can initiate the healing process. It is best to see the doctor of chiropractic for an evaluation of your case, so that you can make a decision about improving your quality of life.
When is the best time to see the chiropractor?
What is the pain I have in my body?
Why should I go to a chiropractor?
Do chiropractic adjustments hurt or should I be scared?
What are the educational requirements to become a chiropractor?
I feel fine. Why should I be concerned with this thing called subluxation?
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3º Piso, Escritório AN, 2645-143, Alcoitão
GPS: 38.736904, -9.396186
(+351) 91 953 6695
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