Myofascial Therapy

The therapy of "where things join together": skin, muscles, bones, etc.

Myofascial therapy focuses on specific point release of fascia as it relates skin to muscle, muscle to muscle and muscle to bone. Within these connection points, there can be foci that can cause pain or a pain distribution that follows a predictable distribution. These foci are called trigger points. These trigger points may be very painful, along with causing a number of unrelated symptoms.

People seek out help for unexplainable symptoms. It could be a hip that won´t move normally any longer. It could be a shoulder that has lost its normal range of motion. It could be muscles that have lost their flexibility without cause. Many times people will seek myofascial therapy after an accident or surgery to regain the normal flexibility. Almost anything that causes an injury to the skin or tissue below the skin can precipitate a myofascial condition that produces symptoms that can not be explained. In the domain of Chiropractic, many headaches have been resolved by the adjustment given to free up the sacrum, relative to the sacroiliac joint.

There is much that can be said about this subject. In point of fact, multiple books have written on the subject. The medical profession is now calling fascial system an organ. That said, so many conditions can be relieved by myofascial therapy: frozen shoulder, TMJD, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, post surgical scars, headaches, migraines, muscle contracture and “weightlifters wall” just to mention a few.



Myofascial therapy can focus on releasing muscular tightness or forms of contracture. Myofascial therapy can be used to offer relief for a number of symptoms and conditions.

People may seek out  myofascial therapy, with loss of function or flexibility after and accident or injury. Many experience unexplainable symptoms in their back, neck, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles or any other joint that can not be resolved. Virtual pain is one of those things that is in the domain of soft tissue.

Other conditions:
TMJD which includes pain anywhere in the face or head
Carpal tunnel syndrome, tarsal tunnel syndrome
Back pain

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Av. da República, Edificio República
3º Piso, Escritório AN, 2645-143, Alcoitão

GPS: 38.736904, -9.396186

(+351) 91 953 6695

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