Advanced Biomechanical Correction

Advanced Biomechanical Correction can deliver what others promised and could not deliver.

Advance Biomechanical Correction is an effective approach for the improvement of a number of patient conditions. Chronic low back pain, neck pain, headaches, digestive problems, blood pressure and a host of other conditions that have been presented in this office have responded favourably to this method. The advanced biomechanical correction addresses the neurological complex as a whole. This approach to relief and correction has shown effective and reproducible results. It is based on the work of neurosurgeon and researcher Alf Breig, M.D.

Dr. Breig studied the spine to determine the cause a number of unexplained neurological disorders. He found that loss of the spinal curvatures to be the leading indicator in these neurologically related disorders. His solution was to do surgery to eliminate the cause of these disorders.

For more than 28 years, Dr. Ted has been actively developing his ability to help and support his patients. His dedication to excellence kept his focus clearly on only methods that would have predictable results, both for the patient and for him.

The need for clear, visible and reproducible results  with patients directed the search for excellence toward the more thorough treatment of the whole spinal complex. The skull, spine, pelvis, brain, spinal cord and the meninges function all together as one unit; they are a contiguous whole. What this means is what effects any part of this whole complex affects all of the whole complex.

This is a unique method that clearly has reproducible results. The union of Torque Release™ and the advance biomechanical correction approach provides a path to greater results for our patients, and they feel very comfortable referring difficult patients, friends and family for treatment, both here and around the world.

Watch the video below and listen to other chiropractors talking openly about surprising results with a similar method.

Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is a method developed by a chiropractor named Jesse Jutkowitz, D.C. It has been my (Dr Ted) privilege to spend some time under his tutelage . The system that he has developed, based on his work and that of Alf Breig, certainly has some profound implications. Dr. Jutkowitz is to be commended for the work he has done: The hours he spent going over full spine x-rays, the time he spent going to other method progenitors for input, and the tireless effort he has put into developing this invaluable tool for getting sick people well. This video is about his method. In part, we use his A.B.C. method to help our patients get results.

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Av. da República, Edificio República
3º Piso, Escritório AN, 2645-143, Alcoitão

GPS: 38.736904, -9.396186

(+351) 91 953 6695

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