The ultimate herb: Glossy privet

written by: Ted Koenen

April 23, 2022

Ligustrum Lucidum

The blog on Tinnitus had a lowly reference to this incredible herb. Renowned for its health benefits among the Chinese for over 2000 years, it is considered a noxious weed in some parts of the world because the birds eat the fruit and drop the seeds wherever. Native to southern China, it has been naturalized in Spain, Italy, Algeria, Chiapas, Canary Islands, New Zeeland, Lesotho, South Africa, Japan, Korea, Australia, Norfolk Islands, Argentina, Central America, and the southern United States: California, Arizona, Maryland and from Texas, to North Carolina. The hard wood evergreen makes a great hedge bush. The hard work is trimming the bush or tree to keep it manageable. Some use this tough evergreen as a bonsai. BUT, what makes it really special is its medicinal quality.

The seeds (female chastity seed/berry) are well-known in traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as nu zhen zi.These berries are used as a nutraceutical to strengthen the liver and kidney: balancing the high energy yin and the lower energy yang. There are number of traditional applications for these berries. As mentioned, the treatment of tinnitus or ringing in the ears, vertigo or dizziness, premature hair graying and soreness/ weakness of the low back and knees. TCM has also been known to use these berries in the treatment of eye conditions or dis-ease involving pain, blurred vision, red or dry eyes. Ligustrum lucidum has been shown to treat cancer in humans. Nü-zhen-zi, the Ligustrum lucidum fruit is frequently used for liver energy tonifying and as a TCM herb for the treatment of liver cancer. TCM has used this herb to help diminished eye sight, dizziness, fever, and insomnia, and to increase immune function in cancer patients. Not only is the fruit an amazing nutraceutical, the leaves have also been used for medicine for centuries. The leaves of Ligustrum Lucidum are replete with phytochemicals such as sugars, flavonoids and alkaloids. Wow! That is amazing for one lowly hedge bush.

Cluster of berries from the Ligustrum Lucidum bush

Fruit of the Ligustrum Lucidum (FLL) is also used in TCM for treating osteoporosis. Although anti-osteoporotic compounds in the fruit are poorly understood, it is clear that the application of this fruit has benefited the recipients. In a study funded by NIH, the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity-guided isolation of osteogenic components from FLL was carried out by using osteoblast-like UMR-106 cells. Eight compounds, namely tyrosol, tyrosyl acetate, hydroxytyrosol, salidroside, oleoside dimethyl ester, oleoside-7-ethyl-11-methyl ester, nuzhenide, and G13, were isolated and identified. All of these compounds exhibited antioxidative activity; some being more potent than others. Albeit, further study is required to know exactly what happens. For those who believe in the natural healing ability of the plant from 2000 years of anecdotal evidence, it is a matter of trying it to see if it works.

Ligustrum Lucidum is known to affect the immune system and TCM combines Astragalus as a synergist for optimal response. The immune system goes into action to support the innate ability to heal, regulate and maintain. The oleanolic acid stimulates the blood lymphocytes: increase the number of T4 cells and T8 cells, among others lymphocytes that help regulate immunomodulatory effects. Forty-five Ligustrum lucidum polysaccharides play an anti-lipid peroxidation role by scavenging hydroxyl-free radicals, improving SOD and GSH-Px activities, and then have preventive and therapeutic effects on inflammation, immune disorders, malignant tumors, and aging. Oleanolic acid is an active pentacyclic triterpenoid compound isolated from many medicinal plants, such as the fruit of Ligustrum Lucidum (Ligustri Lucidi Fructus [LF]), and which possesses hepato-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and anti-hyperlipidemic properties. LF is a Yin tonifying herb that is traditionally used for nourishing Yin in the “Kidney” and “Liver,” improving the eyesight as well as promoting the growth of black hair.

One has to wonder what is better trying something from natures pharmacy or ingesting known toxic chemicals with no actual idea what it is going to do once inside your body.

Dr. Ted is trained in 20 or more chiropractic disciplines, plus he developed a technique based on the work of I.N. Toftness, D.C. A thirty year chiropractic veteran, he has written articles on philosophy, and he taught post graduate education. He has been effective working with ADHD, Asperger's and other neurological disorders. He is certified by American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians to do post injury impairment ratings for all government agencies, corporations and hospitals. He enjoys walking, kayaking and working on websites.