Ease lifes Stress by fire
Let’s step outside for a while. Research has revealed that being outdoors has calming, de-stressing and restorative powers. So what do you do to rekindle passion, drive and purpose?
Build a fire outside. Sit down in comfortable chair. Kick your feet out in front of you, and relax, while your watch the flames. You can feel the stress load melt away. The mind becomes calm and clear. The creative juices start flowing. The focus returns, as the fire burns on. You feel better! Your capacity to embrace your purpose expands. Amazing what great things a little spark can ignite.
release inner well-being
Physical, emotional and mental wellbeing is yours with a short trip into the natural environment. A Science Direct study found that mental health can be improved by enjoying time outdoors. So, take a break from city/suburban setting, the work pressure along with the accompanying mental stress, and you take some time for nature, in this case take a beach walk.
A calm meditative walk on the beach sand: bare foot. The sand on your feet begins a calming cascade in your whole body.
You can reduce your brains stress zones while increasing your memory, along with the capacity for reason and empathy. Who knew! Take a walk on the beach to become more considerate and caring. There is more! The the air at the salt water beach is loaded with Ozone. These negatively charged ions have a soothing affect on your mind and body reducing the negative thoughts that lead to different forms of depression.
Hiking as a quality of life mediation for your body
Want to lower stress and improve mental health, then consider Hiking as a mediation. Hiking can be through a local park or the green belt behind a local neighborhood: something to breakup the monotony of sitting inside looking at a screen or the wall or a blank piece of paper. The goal is to reduce stress and cortisol levels through exercise and breathing. Seeing the beauty in nature allows for a relaxing on the inside with greater access to the creative side of the brain. The return on the investment of time to do something different is generally a more positive outlook.
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